The Association Between Common Labor Drugs and Suckling When Skin-to-Skin During the First Hour After Birth

Kajsa Brimdyr, Karin Cadwell, Ann Marie Widström, Kristin Svensson, Monica Neumann, Elaine A. Hart, Sarah Harrington, Raylene Phillips

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Intrapartum drugs, including fentanyl administered via epidural and synthetic oxytocin, have been previously studied in relation to neonatal outcomes, especially breastfeeding, with conflicting results. We examined the normal neonatal behavior of suckling within the first hour after a vaginal birth while in skin-to-skin contact with mother in relation to these commonly used drugs. Suckling in the first hour after birth has been shown in other studies to increase desirable breastfeeding outcomes. Method: Prospective comparative design. Sixty-three low-risk mothers self-selected to labor with intrapartum analgesia/anesthesia or not. Video recordings of infants during the first hour after birth while being held skin-to-skin with their mother were coded and analyzed to ascertain whether or not they achieved Stage 8 (suckling) of Widström's 9 Stages of newborn behavior during the first hour after birth. Results: A strong inverse correlation was found between the amount and duration of exposure to epidural fentanyl and the amount of synthetic oxytocin against the likelihood of achieving suckling during the first hour after a vaginal birth. Conclusions: Results suggest that intrapartum exposure to the drugs fentanyl and synthetic oxytocin significantly decreased the likelihood of the baby suckling while skin-to-skin with its mother during the first hour after birth.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)319-328
Number of pages10
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 1 2015

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology


  • Epidural
  • Fentanyl
  • Skin-to-skin

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